Looking deep into human cells to find more answers, biologists and engineers reached a breakthrough conclusion that has dramatically changed our thoughts on how cells work. They discovered a never before seen web-like fabric which connects all the cells of the body; this explains the body's amazing strength and flexibility. Made up of crystal fibers, this "network" of connective tissue is more remarkable for its apparent "intelligence" rather than just its architecture. These crystal fibers actually "sense" our environment. Their unique crystalline shape makes this possible because crystals are extremely sensitive to all forms of vibration. This entire network actually resonates with our environment and functions as the director of our body's defense system... also known as our body's PROPRIOCEPTION SENSE. Holding on to the vibration of physically or emotionally stressful events, this "crystal matrix" helps us identify threats to our survival... areas of PROPRIOCEPTION LOSS AND CONSEQUENTLY "POSTURAL AVOIDANCE ZONES". Once these survival threats have been completely resolved in your life, the stress pattern in the body, releases automatically. Unreleased "threats" however, remain within the network and is commonly experienced as postural tightness. Accepted now as our first evolutionary nervous system, as well as our first sense, it is located throughout the body and is commonly known as "fascia" or "connective tissue". Penetrating into each cells nucleus and triggering genetic expression, our tightly held traumatic history will "color" our physical, mental and emotional reality.
Bottom line - this 'well intentioned' protective network can often hold us hostage suppressing our overall health by its constant protective tension. This is the cause of DEGENERATIVE DISEASE and ACCELERATED AGING.